Sample: Form Submission
Use case
Consider the following sample form:
The form has the following requirements:
All fields are mandatory.
Username (after trimming leading and trailing whitespace):
- Must have at least 3 characters.
- Must not exceed 25 characters. -
Email must match the following regular expression pattern:
You can independently verify emails against this pattern on, using ECMAScript (JavaScript) flavor.
Password must:
- Have at least 8 characters.
- Have at least 1 lowercase character.
- Have at least 1 uppercase character.
- Have at least 1 numeric digit.
- Have at least 1 special character from the set!@#$%^&*
. -
Confirm Password must match the Password field.
Test suite
To create the test suite, follow these steps:
Create a file named visual_tests/form-submission.tests.yaml in your test project.
Add the following content to the file:
scenarios: # Scenario: # Testing the page without any user interaction - url: label: Visit the page # Scenario: # Testing the form with valid data - url: label: Testing the form with valid data actions: - input: '#signup #username' value: test - input: '#signup #email' value: - input: '#signup #password' value: kCzs0!!kP^jIXamK}g@e - input: '#signup #confirm-password' value: kCzs0!!kP^jIXamK}g@e - click: '#signup input[type="submit"]' - wait: 5000 url: '**/?action=signup' # Scenario: # Testing the form when clic submit without input any data - url: label: Testing the form when clic submit without input any data actions: - click: '#signup input[type="submit"]' # Scenario: # Testing the form with invalid password - url: label: Testing the form with invalid password actions: - input: '#signup #username' value: test - input: '#signup #email' value: - input: '#signup #password' value: 'too simple password' - input: '#signup #confirm-password' value: 'too simple password' - click: '#signup input[type="submit"]' # Scenario: # Testing the form with Password and Confirm password mismatch - url: label: Testing the form with Password and Confirm password mismatch actions: - input: '#signup #username' value: test - input: '#signup #email' value: - input: '#signup #password' value: kCzs0!!kP^jIXamK}g@e - input: '#signup #confirm-password' value: 25H;]Ib,e>5M<#,FFJ=q - click: '#signup input[type="submit"]'
Execute the following command to verify the test suite: