<!DOCTYPEhtml><title>Title</title><style>body{width:500px;}</style><scripttype="application/javascript">function$init(){returntrue;}</script><body><pcheckedclass="title"id='title'>Title</p><!-- here goes the rest of the page --></body>
% \require{extpfeil} % produce extensible horizontal arrows
\begin{array}{ccc}% arrange LPPs
% first row
% first LPP
\begin{array}{ll}\max& z = c^T x \\\text{s.t.}& A x \le b \\& x \ge 0
\end{array}&\xtofrom{\text{duality}}&% second LPP
\begin{array}{ll}\min& v = b^T y \\\text{s.t.}& A^T y \ge c \\& y \ge 0
\end{array}\\({\cal PC}) && ({\cal DC}) \\\text{add }{\Large\downharpoonleft}\text{slack var}&&\text{minus }{\Large\downharpoonright}\text{surplus var}\\% Change to your favorite arrow style
% second row
% third LPP
\begin{array}{ll}\max& z = c^T x \\\text{s.t.}& A x + s = b \\& x,s \ge 0
\end{array}&\xtofrom[\text{some steps skipped}]{\text{duality}}&% fourth LPP
\begin{array}{ll}\min& v = b^T y \\\text{s.t.}& A^T y - t = c \\& y,t \ge 0
\end{array}\\({\cal PS}) && ({\cal DS})
box Purple Alice & John
participant A
participant J
box Another Group
participant B
participant C
A->>J: Hello John, how are you?
J->>A: Great!
A->>B: Hello Bob, how is Charly ?
B->>C: Hello Charly, how are you?
<div> A sample content
(()=>{constelement=document.createElement('p');element.textContent='Created dynamically using Javascript!';document.body.appendChild(element);})();
Below animation is HTML/CSS/JS code injected directly into the page: